Eternals Trailer 2021 - Marvel and Avengers Endgame Easter Eggs

Eternals Trailer 2021 - Marvel and Avengers Endgame Easter Eggs

 Eternals Trailer 2021 - Marvel and Avengers Endgame Easter Eggs

official teaser trailer for the eternals
this trailer was absolutely packed we're
gonna break it down scene by scene line it up for the timeline not only what's going on in the movie but the timeline for what's going on in the mcu explain who all these characters are who they may be doing eternals roll call and break down their power set and of course try to line up the scenes they're showing us in the trailer with the narrative and see what we can deduce from there we're gonna break down everything in this brand new trailer and oh man does it look amazing

so this trailer opens up at presumably
one of the earliest moments in the entire film but also what might be one of the
earliest moments we've ever seen in the mcu at least on the planet earth you can see that the ancient peoples along the
shoreline here are basically no more than hunter-gatherers at this point and then all of a sudden the eternal ship shows up now i'm going to speculate a little bit about who these peoples may be on the edge of the ocean here and that kid in particular you guys may know where i'm going with that and we'll get to that in a moment but obviously the eternal show up the first real piece of dialogue we hear is between cersei and icarus asking him it's beautiful isn't it now that's an allegorical statement if i've ever heard it because there's an obvious love connection that's enumerated throughout the trailer and at the heart of the plot in this film she's also talking about earth and that sets her apart in sort of a different faction within the eternals they all have different beliefs about how much they should intervene into humankind some think that they should give more some have an affinity for humankind some of the other eternals like druid basically think the antithesis of that we see that later in this trailer when he basically just has everyone mind controlled now as easy as it would be to just narrate what happens in the trailer and do a play-by-play you guys are all very intelligent and probably already watched a couple of easter egg breakdowns by now anyway so i want to speculate about what's most interesting and out of frame in this trailer we see this enormous what looks like sort of shelf on the ship behind their team leader ajax played by selma hayek
this looks like biological material and i was put in mind immediately of another celestial and star-lord ego's father the way he spread his biological material the plant to other planets could this be

the source of the vibranium we later see
in wakanda could this be the source of
anything else that's on this planet that wasn't here originally and beexplained by them bringing this to earth it would make a lot of sense because as the dialogue is pinned on the back of the next couple of scenes it makes it sound like they were bringing us all sorts of innovation i also think that's what's being replicated here as we see fastos that's sort of the inventor of the group
another person who's empathetic to the
humans what looks like art imitating life and creating this golden architecture could be how they plan to help the humans which is exactly what we see at play through the next couple of scenes you see them helping with agriculture taking them from the hunter gatherers they once were when they first arrived you see her irrigating the crops there with this technology and this intelligence now to progress as a people now we can speculate about that dagger in a second but i absolutely loved the color and shot of fenna there that's the eternal warrior
followed by this shot right here of babylon surrounded by what we know is the ishtar gate from real history so this is like the earliest history of people here at the beginning of the mcu with the eternals help to progress into the society that they once come now we talked about that scene really quickly there on the beach and there's a couple of other
beach shots throughout this trailer that they may all choose to forget who they are as eternals and their original purpose

in place on this earth what they chose
to give to people they all forget that and go on to live quote-unquote normal lives throughout the ages now it's not set to address how they all never age how they forget about their powers and origins
but accept the fact that they never age
but i want to talk about most importantly a device that we know from a a couple of plot leaks but b a couple of years to theorize this film since it's been announced about what's going to happen you guys saw there and as i mentioned earlier in this video in the prologue a point of main contention in the plot this love between cersei and icarus but there's also a love between cersei and dane whitman who will go on to become the black knight a member of the avengers and maybe even a prominent member of the mcu we don't see him as black knight in this trailer at
all and it's even been rumored we won't see him as black knight during the film
however we do see him in the trailer and
we've had some spoiler warning leaked set photos that show a very clear and obvious love connection in present day between cersei and dane whitman even though you can clearly see here there's a love throughout the ages between cersei and of course icarus so real quick in case you don't remember this from english class an allegory is sort of a storytelling on multiple levels using metaphors on those levels to keep retelling the same story basically to really drive it home so at the heart you have the allegiance of the eternals their allegiance and love for mankind and at the second level you have the love between cersei and dane whitman and on a tertiary level you have the love for each other as the eternals is mainly a family movie tertiary meaning third this allegorical statement about where the allegiance lies let us know what's happening in this trailer so the eternals they all choose to forget their powers right and not intervene that easily explains where they were during avengers end game that's why we see them again you saw cersei with dane whitman being assembled from all over the world yet i know make all the avengers assemble jokes that you want to make
speaking of which they even reference

the avengers when sprite the youngest
one yeah she just looks like she's 12 but she's as old as the rest of them mentions who's going to lead the avengers my speculation is during that
scene when icarus jokes may be me and they all laugh they have not been reminded of who they are that scene is funny because they don't know that they're actual superheroes icarus doesn't know how powerful he is and that one day he could lead the avengers or in a moment of foreshadowing and storytelling that the mcu has left to do maybe one day he will but i'm saying this is pre-remembrance they've been assembled by somebody for som reason
and they all still think that they're just normal humans either way this is the part of the Articles i want to issue a normal spoiler warning because we're going to be relying on social media leaks and things that you wouldn't know just from watching the trailer or even following the normal press cycle so if you've enjoyed the trailer breakdown and don't want to know any more as to what i was talking about with this kid in the future of the mcu as this is my own theories and speculation but it's been sort of a working theory for a while go ahead and back out now so i don't ruin anything for you but we have to talk about this kid and how long he's been left in frame at the beginning of this trailer and the way that this intro is shot now of course you see us coming up
off of the ocean the same way that the
ship would be coasting up to the coast to meet these people but you see a shot of the ocean you're then showing these people who have clearly a fishing net and a fishing spear and then more than just a couple of frames are given to this kid right here well i thought i had recognized him before and turns out i think he's the exact same kid and you guys can let me know in the comments if you don't think this is him in this shot right here on selma hayek's own instagram way back when they were just wrapping up shooting the actress who plays sprite on her right then this kid named zayn al rafi on the left all apologies if i didn't pronounce that right
and it says hashtag with the youth of
the eternals now this tells me this isn't just some random extra that he at least has some part to play in the upcoming eternals and it may just be a friendship
that's cast between the humans and the
eternals or this may just be a youthful version of neymar that we meet in the
original people that go on to become
atlantis the fact that they showed us
the ocean
and the fishing spear right off the bat

look all i'm trying to say is yes this is major speculation i'm not saying this is kid namor but it is curious that they chose to give him more than just a couple of frames and in a two minute
trailer that is prime real estate and that also he was featured in a social media post as the youth of the eternals alongside a main actress in sprite we also know that if you're going to show us the most ancient parts of the mcu and atlantis has been a long you know around a long time this would be a great time to introduce it so i'm saying it would be great timing doesn't mean it's that it's just speculation speculation is fun guys let me know all your thoughts and reaction down below to all of this the trailer as a whole how beautiful it was really living up to the expectation that was set by all the rumors we had heard about the film there's another rumor that this may actually debut at this summer cans festival that hasn't been confirmed someone just mentioned there's going to be a planetary blockbuster that has been
confirmed eternals definitely fits that bill but let me know all your thoughts down below about this first look how much you enjoyed it what your theories are for
where the eternals have been what's coming and when they're finally going to reveal themselves alongside the rest of the superheroes on earth i am all ears as always and quickly let's get into the giveaway stuff before i let you go we're still giving away a playstat