today we gota huge exclusive for doctor strange in the multiverse of madness which the article made sure to point out of all of these films coming up in marvel phase 4where we've had plot leagues and onsetphotos even some onset videos and the actors directors and writers all talking about the films we've had almost no leaks for doctor strange nothing really confirmed except for what marvel said
way back in december during their investors day call where they revealed the entirety of the marvel phase fourslate well today in an exclusive from the they go on to name the villain the villain's connection to another hero
in the movie how this may set up the plot and even how it could lead to dr
strange three we're going to break down
the entirety of this exclusive go in depth on this villain explain who he is and why we rightly guessed but for the wrong
reasons he would be showing up in the
future of marvel phase four all the way back during wandavision funny to say all the way back about three months ago but hey that's where we're at we're gonna break it all down but first if you could grab the subscribe button
we're still giving away a playstation 5
now at 900 000 subscribers disney plus subscriptions every week and a brand new loki related prize when the show goes live in just under three weeks if you want to be entered to win all you have to do hit the subscribe button because you
need to be a subscriber then leave a comment down below if you want stick around at the end of the video we'll get into all the giveaway stuff again there
so as i mentioned twice in the prologue
this exclusive coming from we'll make sure to leave a link down in the description to the source article they start by mentioning that just last week industry insider daniel rickman who we cover often here at the channel via his patreon revealed that schumacherath would be featured as an
upcoming villain somewhere in perhaps
marvel phase four while via this exclusive illuminati were able to confirm that schumacherath is actually set to be
quote the primary antagonist in 2022's doctor strange in the multiverse of madness not only that they went out to enumerate the plot in this way they went out to report quote additionally we know that schumacherath's placement in the film is directly connected to america chavez in the movie schumacherath is going after chavez because he wants her powers to have complete control of the multiverse of course those powers are being able to open up portals and travel
around the multiverse at will now if you're not familiar with schumacher wrath let's go ahead and break down this villain real quick and not mention the fact that some sort of synchronicity has a giant starfish mind control alien and starro showing up in the suicide squad in close proximity to schumacherath which looks like a giant starfish mind control alien showing up in the mcu schumacherath first appeared as an adversary for doctor strange
in marvel premiere number five all the
way back in november of 1972 he is one
of the oldest creatures in the universe
he cannot be killed in fact if you do summon enough energy to kill schumer
graf you in fact end up becoming schumer giraffe and this almost happened to doctor strange during
the comics he actually commits suicide
to stop this from happening now there's
been a couple of incantations and adversaries that have shown up along
the way in fact he has his own agents
one of the agents of schumer giraffe is
nightmare a heavily rumored villain
for the upcoming doctor strange in the
multiverse of madness his story goes quote that when the entity tries to return to earth via the mind of the ancient one his disciple in dr strange is forced to kill
him to prevent this remember the ancient one in the comics was male not female years later strange battles schumacher wrath in its home dimension and although victorious he gradually becomes a new version of the entity strange commits suicide to prevent this transformation but is eventually resurrected by an ally then later in the comics and more recently
sorcerer nicholas scratch who's the son
of agatha harkness and a lot of people
pointed to senior scratchy that bunny that we later found would have eventually turned into a demon had they had the time for cgi vfx and extra episodes we thought he might transform
into her son nevertheless her son actually summons the entity schumer graf to earth but has to be beaten back by the combined efforts of doctor strange the upcoming fantastic four the salem seven and a villain named diablo now i thought that new salem might turn out to be westview and that the salem 7
would be all of those characters like
dottie or even herb who seemed like they were in on it or even aware of the hex now we have no idea what would have happened had they had all the time
to finish that show and the extra three
episodes we were supposed to get but there's even more easter eggs in there before we knew that that book was actually the dark hold the whole reason that schumer garath comes into existence anyway was way back in the day a dying magician rotath invoked him via the ironbound books of schumacher rap now obviously that book the ironbound one we saw turned out to be the darkhold mystical book in the mcu but when agatha harkness
says to her you have no idea what you've
done i have a feeling that by becoming
this nexus being by going down this dark road that she's starting to go down when we see her in the very last post-credits scene from the last episode which a lot of people have discerned at this point may have actually been dr strange's point of view from astral projecting but now that she has an interest in the dark
hold she's studying all this magic with no real anchor point with no sort of coven to take her down that road and help her learn it safely she may give the access point that schumer giraffe needs
and since we don't have the ancient one anymore in the mcu because of the narrative from doctor strange one perhaps it's coming through the mind of wanda and all her power set which we don't want to get in too much into speculation here because we're speculating on that in the first place
but you can see how that would lead schumer giraffe as having quote unquote this way in and when it comes to opening portals and traveling the multiverse at will this definitely goes a long way in explaining all of the spider-verse multi-rumors that have the remnants of the old sony spider-verse and toby maguire and andrew garfield showing up a lot of people have wondered how that was going to come to play but remember spider-man no way home is the middle part in a three-part series that has dr strange multiverse of madness on one sideand started with one division on theother now they go on to mention duringthis article that this might actually set up a two-part sequence beating a doctor
strange one and then have this storyline conclude in doctor strange two and you can see also how a story of this size depending on how temporally it works out with what else is going on in marvel phase four and five could work out as a two-part series schumacher wrath is an ancient and extremely powerful villain
dispatching of him in the very same movie that you introduce him in may go against trying to set up how powerful this villain actually is guys let me know all your thoughts down below about schumacherath being the main villain his agents and nightmare may still show up but was there a different villain like mephisto half joking that you would want to show up in doctor strange
and what are all your theories now working off the fact that this villain
has been revealed i am all ears let me
know down in the comments and quickly
let's get into the giveaway stuff
before i let you go we're still giving